Friday 25 March 2011

YM- Storyboarding

What is the purpose?
The purpose of a storyboard is to organise ideas we have come up with in the order we wish each shot to appear in the opening sequence. This organised structure makes the process of filming easier and more efficient as it's easier to know what we need to do and keep track of what we are doing.

Completing the Storyboard and challenges:
Ali was in charge of putting the shots we had come up with together into an organised structure and copying this order into a storyboard template.
The main issue that arose was how neither he nor and of the members in the group can draw, and we fretted that this could affect the outcome. However, it did not and the finished storyboard was good.

How useful was the Storyboarding?
We had the storyboard with us on set and looked at it while dicussing how we were going to go about the filming. However, once the filming began we didn't refer back to the storyboard and instead filmed how we felt worked better.
It was useful in the way that it helped start us off however as filing progressed we discovered that things worked and didn't work and filmed to our own accord.

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