Monday 21 March 2011

YM- Feedback on shoot- 19/03/2011

Our location for this filming trip was Ali's garage. We decided this setting provided the right feel to the film as it was small and dark.

Saturday 19th March 2011

Ali, Yazmin, Luke.

What Was Successful About the Shoot?
We managed to shoot all the interior shots we aim to include. We also discovered that the lighting was murky which gave us more scope to work with.

Special Shots We Used:
Soft focus into focus shot. This looks extremely effective as it mimicks the action of the protagonist who is woken from sleep at the sound of his mobile phone ringing.

What Was Less Successful?
We found filming one of the flashbacks didn't flow as smoothly as we anticipated and were unable to get a smooth shot. We did get enough footage to use for this shot however a lot of editing will be needed to make it useable.

How Important Was Your Storyboard In The Filming Process?
We didn't really use our storyboard when filming as we knew what we needed to do interms of shots. Also, many of the shots we anticipated didn't work so we had to rearrange and add shots in to make sense of the storyline and to make the footage look better.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this. As the camera man i found it educational to do some real filming for our actual film opening. I feel we got a good collection of shots, we had to think about lighting as we wanted it to look as mysterious as possible. The flashbacks were a challenge to shoot but we got enough to make it work effectively.
