Thursday 17 March 2011

YM- Feedback from Pitch

We presented our pitch of ideas and plans for our opening sequence to our class and teacher and we recieved both positive and critcal comments, all of which will be taken into consideration.

One issue that was raised was the length of the footage we want to have in our opening sequence. We plan to have two flashbacks in our sequence, as well as the main storyline emerging, and there were concerns that this was too much to cram into a two minuet opening. However, as we plan to have a maximum of 45 seconds used for flashbacks, we assured people that our opening sequence won't be cramped.

A second issue that presented itself was the actors involved. I think many people were unsure as to how many we planned to have due to the flashbacks involved. When we explained how many actors we wish to use, the issue of how we were going to find these actors was another issue. However, we decided we were using family and family friends to increase the reliablilty of people turning up to filming.

Another problem that we were questionned about was the weather and how we'd be able to assure the weather conditions were the same throughout the clip, especially if we need to re-film on another day. This is a difficult issue to overcome as we have no control over the weather. However, we have said we will spend a full day filiming to make sure we get the footage needed plus extra to minimise the need for another trip for filming to the same location.

However, we did recieve positive comments as as a whole, we presented strong ideas that showed we have a firm ideas of what we want to do and in which direction we want to go in.

1 comment:

  1. This feeback was extremely helpful in helping us clear up problems we were noticing ourselves during our planning of the opening sequence. It gave us a chance to explore possibilites and to assure people we have come up with solutions.
