Wednesday 9 February 2011

YM- Technical Analysis

'Gothika' (2003, Kassovitz)

Camera Technique 1: Titles
Length: 26 seconds
Mise-en-Scene: black screen, with white titles fading in and out, merging together as they do so. Titles are plain and bold, conventional of a thriller. Plain black screen in left at end of shot.
Sound: Non-diegetic soundtrack is playing during the titles, it is eery but not scary, creating suspense. A female voiceover is present after the titles and the screen is black.

Camera Technique 2: Central Close Up
Duration: 22 seconds
Mise-en-Scene: The woman is looking straight into the camera- this could be to make the audience connect with her and give the impression she is talking to them, maybe to gain sympathy.
Sound: The woman talking is the main sound heard: she is speaking in a low whisper making the audience question why. However, the non-diegetic soundtrack that played during the first shot is still playing extremely quietly, most likely to add a sense of confusion for the audience who have seemingly been thrown into the middle of a conversation.

Camera Technique 3: Central Close Up
Duration: 3 seconds
Mise-en-Scene: This shot is of another woman, presumably who the first woman was speaking to. This second woman gives the impression she is important through the suit she is seen wearing and the impeccable hair and make-up.
Sound: The soundtrack continues playing while this second woman speaks. She is sounding stronger and more confident than the first woman, and is questioning her rather than showing general conversation.

Camera Technique 4: Close Up
Duration: 11 seconds
Mise-en-Scene: This shot is back to a close up of the first woman. The woman's hair is a shade of red which could be representative of the devil, evil or fire- all of which the woman mentions as she talks. She is juxtaposed to the first woman through her tired, run down and beaten appearance.
Sound: The soundtrack is still continuing to play quietly as an under layer. The woman is talking seemingly into the camera, her voice is almost of a teasing tone which arises questions as the topic of discussion is a serious one.

Camera Technique 5: Close Up
Duration: 7 seconds
Mise-en-Scene: The shot is reversed to another close up of the second woman who is further juxtaposed to the first because of the sudden cuts highlighting the vast difference in their appearance.
Sound: Still the soundtrack is playing. Also, the second woman yet again only says one line and although isn't a question is a prompt for more dialogue from the first woman giving an impression that this second woman is a councellor.

Camera Technique 6: Medium Long Shot
Duration: 14 seconds
Mise-en-Scene: This shot is shot through a wired cage, giving the impression to the audience they're not meant to be there and that they are intruding. The camera pans throughout the shot.
Sound: The first woman is answering the last comment made by the second woman. She is still speaking in a low whisper, but seems to know what she is saying. The soundtrack is still playing.

Camera Technique 7: Close Up
Duration: 8 seconds
Mise-en-Scene: This shot is focused on the first woman still, and is still being shot through the wire cage however the cage is in deep focus so that the woman is dominating the screen.
Sound: The soundtrack is still playing as the woman is still speaking to the second woman.

Camera Technique 8: Close Up
Duration: 8 seconds
Mise-en-Scene: This shot is more or less the same as the previous one, however the second woman is the one on screen, shown listening before asking another question. The wire cage is still in deep focus to show it's there but doesn't dominate the shot.
Sound: Both women speak in this shot as well as the continuing soundtrack.

Camera Technique 9: Over the shoulder shot, to have a close up.
Duration: 3 seconds
Mise-en-Scene: This shot is shot over the shoulder of the second woman, to show an angry outburst from the first woman. The shot is also shot through the wire cage still. The cage could suggest to the audience that the woman is dangerous and they are being protected from her (hence her sudden angry outburst). This continues to follow the conventions of a thriller as questions start to arise from the audience.
Sound: The first woman shouts in an angry manner, swearing at the first woman. The soundtrack cannot be heard during the shouting however it is heard when she has finished.

Camera Technique 10: Close Up (pans downwards)
Duration: 4 seconds
Mise-en-Scene: Shows the first womans reaction to the outburst, and pans downwards to show her writing notes with an expensive looking pen.
Sound: Voice of the first woman continues to speak as the soundtrack is still playing.

Camera Technique 11: Close Up- Rule of thirds used.
Duration: 12 seconds
Mise-en-Scene: Shot through the wire cage still. This time however, the first woman is not looking into the camera but has her head bent downwards, and is seen to be crying. It is a close up in the third third.
Sound: The soundtrack is still there and is seemingly getting slightly louder. The second womans voice is heard, trying to reassure the first woman so her voice is soft and inviting.

Camera Technique 12: This is a close up of the second woman's profile in the first third.
Duration: 8 seconds
Mise-en-Scene: The second woman is shown to be looking caringly in the direction of the first woman who is still talking. This second woman then leans forward slightly when making a reassuring comment.
Sound: Both voices are soft and quiet and the soundtrack is still playing as an under layer.

Camera Technique 13: Close up of first woman's profile in third third
Duration: 7 seconds
Mise-en-Scene: The woman is shown to be crying.
Sound: Voices are still almost hushed and the soundtrack is still playing quietly underneath the dialogue.

Camera Technique 14: Medium Long Shot
Duration: 18 seconds
Mise-en-Scene: Second woman is finishing this 'meeting' when the first woman has another angry out burst and other nurses come and drag her away, further down the corridor.
Sound: The first woman's voice gets louder and louder and angrier and the shot goes on. The soundtrack is also playing but remains relatively calm, not mirroring the action happening on screen.

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