Friday 11 February 2011

LB- Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis

The opening sequence of shank starts with long shots of rioting against police. Shot in black and white this gives a serious nature to the footage.

The titles then come up on a white background, while the titles are coming up a various amount of the characters stills are shown. This shows the audience what actors are playing what characters and also establishes the main characters.

There is then a shot of a mans feet running, this establishing shot highlights how the film is starting in the middle of action. This explores the genre of the film as being a action/thriller. He is then seen to be being chased by a man on a motorbike, the cutting rate then increases dramatically as the chase starts. This also highlights to the audience how live is like for this young man.

There is then a slow motion shot of the man jumping from the bridge to get away from the people chasing him. There are then a couple of different angled shots while he is falling in slow motion, which adds to the event being clever and dangerous.

The cutting rate then drops as he has got away from the people. Medium shots are used to show him walking around the setting of London in 2015. Showing the council estate style setting with smashed windows, exploring the deprivation of the young man.


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