Tuesday 18 January 2011

LB - Genre Analysis 1

Seven (Kyle Cooper, 1995)

This film is a subgenre of Crime/Horror.Thriller/Horror.
- The titles come up in white writing with a black background, the font is small which adds mystery to the opening titles.

-The colour red is used during the opening titles which shows the Horror genre. Also red is used as there is no other colour during the opening, so the red is seen as more distinctive.

- The sound in the opening titles starts off very slow then builds up in pace which is used to build tension and mystery.
- Sound mixing is used on the pen writing, this is used to emphasise the action taking place.

- The cutting rate during the titles increases as the music does, this is used to build tension for the audience, which shows the Thriller genre.

Mise en scene

- The lighting used is dim which makes the opening scene look dark and gloomy, this adds to the Horror genre.

- Close up shots are used throughout with the writing, pen and pictures.



  1. Interesting link, i think we may be able to use the building up of sound to create an atmosphere.

  2. I like the idea of the dull lighting because it's something that is very achieveable and we can use it to create a sense of mystery.

  3. Good comments Luke but this needs a bit more detail. Consider all the elements of mise en scene, including sfx. Editing and transitions could have more detail too.
