Thursday 27 January 2011

AS - Analysing an opening

"The Lives of Others" (Henckle Von Donnersmarck, 2006)

1. The genre of this film is a thriller. It is set in Germany and is dubbed aiming for the more sophisticated audience. The sound before the video makes us anticipate what is going to happen and this is common place with most of the rest of the film in the genre.
2. The generic expectations of the film are conforming with the generic characteristics with the mysteriousness of the person who may or may not be in trouble.
3. This film does conform with the characteristics of the genre with the fact that it keep the audience thinking anything can happen and go Wong for this person, or is he in trouble or is he part of an act?

1. There is not much narrative in this text. There is only a bit when the man who seems to be the lowest class in the scene and he is talking to a high up officer. It is in one clump at the end of the clip with the man being aggressively shouted at.
2.The audience are positioned with the men as they speak to each other in the conversation.
3. The man in informal attire is alienated within the media text as everyone else in the scene is in formal dress and looks smart compared to him. He is currently seen as the villain with him being escored by a prison officer.
4. There are not many major themes in this narrative and there is only a little bit of dialogue.

Institutional context
1. There is not a well know star withing this sequence  and this is trying to pull through less known actors into the genre or film industry.
2. Buena Vista International produced this film.
3. They tried to use the word of mouth with a review in the New York Times as marketing. The film also gained recognition by winning over 20 awards including a Golden Globe, an Academy, and a ceasar award.

Media Audiences
1. The target audience for this sequence is the sophisticated art house audience who are interested in films that are in different languages and convey different cultures. This film would only be targeted in certain areas of the country to be able to gain most money out of the film.
2. The preferred reading of this text is that the man being marched to the officers office has committed an offense. This makes us think he may be the villain in this movie.
3. I see this as being a film more for the older person in general. I see this as being for the sophisticated person who wishes to broaden their horizons in terms of culture.

"Mission Impossible 2" (Woo, 2000)
1. Mission Impossible 2 is under the genre of action thriller. This allows for the diversification to men and there girlfriends and wives, or their children.
2. The expectations are met with this opening with the explosions and the larger than life actor who is climbing a rock wall with no harness or safety equipment. This gives the audience a thrill and allows them to imagine themselves with the actor.
3. This text does conform with the characteristics of the action thriller genre with the CGI and the hero at the start of the film who is acting cool and this is what people wish to reenact and make it feel like they can do it themselves.

Institutional context
1. There is a well know star in this sequence in Tom Cruise. This is a well know global movie star and he is included in this opening to continue with the franchise with Tom Cruise.
2. Paramount Pictures produced this film.
3. MI2 had a marketing budget of $32,000,000 and this produced a big TV, poster and viral campaign. This helped them to be able to market to many audiences and diversify to different audiences.

Media Audiences
1. The target audience for this sequence is middle class action thrill seekers who have a professional career
2. The preferred reading of this text is that this character is larger than life and he will most probably be the hero. It also shows how we think he is very brave climbing a mountain with no harness.
3. I see this as being a film that will appeal to most males although it may also appeal to some females as well.

"Shooter" (Fuqua, 2007)

Representation and Ideology
1. There are two social groups represented in this opening. There is the US marines who are sniping the antagonists . They are seen as being in control and helping to build ea better world by stopping the antagonists. They are seen as being professional.
2. The beliefs of this are that they are killing these people to help the world and people believe this as many influential people in the media have told the public this.
3. The characteristics of this genre are showing these men to be the good guys in ridding the world of this unnessesary evil. It treats them as people who are inorginised and unaware of what is going to happen to them.

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